The D.U. Rounds project is a 50 piece art project that I started a number of years ago. It was made to help our service men and women after they have come home from war. As most veterans know our GOV is doing a piss poor job of supporting our vets once they have returned from war. This project is for helping them, all proceeds go to help these people and there families. I have many veterans in my family and have seen first hand what happens to a human beings after war. These people need our help. Please share this project with all you know, we all can help make a difference, far to many service men and women need our help. Check out all 50 pieces. All are the same print but with different hand painted backgrounds. Some beautiful some are a bit gory. All were a blast to make, just with they didn’t have to be made.
This is still a work in progress so I’m looking for help, if you or you know anyone that is interested in helping getting this off the groud let me know by shooting me an email at my contact page.
A thought that would help our veterans shared by my father, a 100% disabled Vietnam vet, is hiring people to help navigate the quagmire of the VA so every vet can get the benefits that they deserve. The VA seems to make it an uphill battle to get there benefits.